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Another Achievement! – The Versatile Blogger Award

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Hi all,

In this post, I’d like to say thank you very much to therealpinkblogger with the link who nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I like her blog posts as it contains the story about beauty, fashion and lifestyle, which are mostly my favorite. You better check this out! πŸ™‚

At first, I don’t have any ideas about this award and I searched the information from the Internet. Then, I found the information about this award! The nominees of the Versatile Blogger Awards are being considered by the quality of the writing, the uniqueness of the subjects covered, and the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page. I am really happy to be nominated for this award.


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and share their link.
  2. Nominate up to 10 bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs. Also, inform them about the nomination.
  3. Reveal 7 facts about yourself that your readers may not know.

Nominees – don’t forget the rules and pay it forward to other bloggers, too.

The 7 facts about me that you guys probably don’t know!

  1. I always planing my schedule of my posts every night.
  2. I always think and set the future plan for my family and also for myself.
  3. I always want to have a job according to my passion.
  4. I always want to go to Bran Castle in Transylvania.
  5. I am very addicting to all skincare and makeup products.
  6. I prefer to live in winter with -7 degrees instead of in the summer with a 34 degrees with a pollution.
  7. I am very melancholics, which means I am easy to cry even-though watching the action movie.

My 10 nominations!

  1. Megala’s Kitchen from —- The posts are very inspiring to have variety recipes of foods.
  2. Brooke Clarke from — I like to read her posts and tips. Those are really interesting.
  3. A Brash Attitude from — Her posts are so amazing and give lots of information about the beauty products and the benefits.
  4. The World Isn’t Flat from — I love to see the beautiful photos.
  5. Kelsey Schmitt from —- Oh my God, her posts are giving lots of information and inspiration for me about traveling and fashion. Love those posts!
  6. Indahs from — I love the uniqueness of her posts about the photography, culture and also I can gather lots of information that I can’t get from anywhere-else.
  7. Where Abby Goes from — Her posts are so match with my needs. I like to read through each post.
  8. Keep It Short & Sweet from — I like to read the casual style of the posts. I never get bored to read through them.
  9. Tivamoo from — Her posts are so interesting. It keep me updated with the information about Australia.
  10. Kittyp0p from — Her posts is in a casual style and attract me to read more.

Hopefully, this award give lots of motivation for me to become the blogger in the near future.

Thanks for reading!



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