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Panic Attack during Coronavirus Attack

Corona Virus or Coronavirus ….

Coronavirus positive

Photo Doc. Havard Health – Havard University

Who does not know about this virus? This virus is currently spreading all over the world. I think it was started from Wuhan, China.

Let’s talk about the Coronavirus first. According to World Health Organization website, Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness, which is range from the common cold to more severe diseases. The sign that commonly happened if people get infected with this virus are respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In some cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure and death. The detail story about this virus can be seen in that website.

Coronavirus spread in all over the world

I know this is so scary. At first, I heard this virus has started from Wuhan China and after that it started to spread to almost all countries until today. Even, some countries are already lock-down, such as Italy who just lock-down in days ago. Today, I saw the message in Tom Hanks’s instagram that he and his wife havegot infected of Coronavirus during their stay in Australia. Currently, they follow the protocols of the Medical Officials and they will be tested, observed and isolated.

There are a lot of stories about the people who get infected from Coronavirus in the media and also numbers of people who get recovered. I got the updated link from my friend about the spread of Coronavirus and you can click in HERE for the link.

Recently, this virus is already entered Indonesia and the cases are continually raising. Panic? Absolutely, YES! People are continually giving the updated information and also the advise about Coronavirus to their communities. It is a good action actually, but we have to apply it in a proper way. It means that the information that we give to others are positive and motivate people in facing this symptom.

Don’t Panic and Do Some Preventions

I understand if we are all panic facing Coronavirus as we can get pneumonia, kidney failure and death if we do not treat this symptom in a proper way. In daily life, I used to use the public transportation which is more susceptible to any viruses, not only Coronavirus. Panic? Maybe, I can say it is not a panic attack but this is the challenge situation that I have to face it and deal with.

CHS-432 Coronavirus Prevention Graphic (Half Page) V2:Layout 1.q

Photo Doc. The University of Arizona

What should we do to face Coronavirus?

For me, it is not just while facing the Coronavirus but it is also valid while we face other viruses. As we know that current weather condition is really unfriendly and we have to concern about our body health both physically and mentally.

Don’t spread the panic attack to the people surround

We are allow to panic but it would be better if we find a solution instead of spreading your fears to the people beside you. The panic attack for me is more scary than the disease. Why? Because the fear or the panic can enter the subconscious mind and it will occur without us knowing. Beside that, the panic attack can make people to create their own stories that hasn’t happened yet. Those actions can hurt people around and the solution will go far.

Always think positive


Photo Doc. Self Improvement

I am among those people who think that if we think positive, we will get the healthy body and mind continuously. It is all related. So, please think positive in facing anything happen in this world and spread the positive vibes surround. And always give the positive words to give the soul to people around us.

Maintain Body Stamina 

Eat lots of healthy foods and do the routine exercise will raise our body immune to face weather changing and any viruses occurrence. I, personally, consume raw honey and pure lime every morning and noni juice every night. And I balance with a mineral water consumption. I used to drink water almost 2 liters every day. This is not including a coffee, lime water, and any other water instead of mineral water.

Wash your hand frequently

As it is stated in the above banner, we should wash our hands for about 20 seconds with soap and water or using the alcohol-based hand sanitizer. I love to use hand sanitizer but I prefer to clean my hand with water and soap to get the clean feeling.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth before washing our hands

It does not mean that we cannot touching these parts of our body but we have to wash our hand before touch them.

Wear mask in the public place

This is to reduce the entry of air that is not aligned with our body. Sometimes, we feel that our body is in a perfect condition but we do not realize that there is some factors in our body that is not align.

The most important things are …

We have to maintain our healthy body and mind, be positive and always spread the positive vibes to our communities. Maybe you find another factors that should be concerned while facing Coronavirus BUT in my version, those 3 factors are the foundation to build the healthy body and mind. Keep your health in a maximum level.

Thanks for reading!



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